Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Morocco...culinary adventures

Don't reload the browser...yes these are goats in a tree not funny looking monkeys :) While i stole this image off the web it is only because i couldn't get our camera out quick enough when driving by this site in Morocco. The goats are climbing argan trees(kinda like olives but only grow in this region) and eating the fruit. John didn't believe me that he would see goats in a tree...lesson...Shannon is ALWAYS right (a lesson he should have learned by now haha)
The fruit is harvested and after an extremely long process of peeling, roasting, crushing an essential oil is gotten. You can eat the oil or use it in beauty treatments and lotions....we did both and liked both, just dont eat the lotion.
Me enjoying a classic coke Arabic style :) If you look close it spells Jesus
Might be worth while grabbing a few cokes to enjoy while you wait to cook the freshly cut lambs head you may have picked up from the vendor in the market that morning.... don't worry if his cart is also his bicycle and the head are tied onto the handle bars with string (this is called efficiency haha) Most surprising thing is the amount of people who look seriously interested in buying these heads ????
If you are looking for spices to flavour the roast lamb head you dont need to venture far to find store which sell every spice and then some out of glass jars.... in the back room they also had a healing room with all these potions and home remedies. May be better than the NHS never know, wait was certainly shorter :)

Monday, May 2, 2011


On the way to the Palace after the procession, hoping to get a glimpse of the couple when they went onto the balcony...fingers crossed
Will and Kate came onto the balcony and we went WILD!!! i love this picture since the flags of them frame the balcony (team effort)

The entire family comes out onto the balcony for the fly over and thousands of fans as far as you could see. John gets credit for this picture of the bomber and royal standard(flag)

Where's Waldo.....

There they are....from left to right John, Sarah, Shannon
We were SOOOO lucky in how close we got to the palace:)

She said YES!!!!

The Queen in her yellow hat and coat..... she is very on fashion as yellow is the hot colour for summer :)

watch out for Ascot ;)

Pipa and half the kids she was in charge of babysitting during the ceremony...I hope she got paid a good rate, nannies are very expensive here in London

Prince Harry and the other half of children (they were keeping an eye on him...and so was Sarah haha) Parents of the Bride and Groom

And what you all have been waiting for....


And last but not least a happy Sarah and Shannon after seeing all the Royalty

Going to the Chapel..of LOVE

The crowd was so excited that every time a street cleaner or gate truck drove by they went mad, clapping and waving their flags. The drivers were elated and would wave to the crowds on their big day:)

Picture of the Queen and Prince Phillip on their way to the Abby.

Kate on her way to the chapel of love in an amazing car. The reason for arriving by car rather than carriage like Diana did...so she entered as a commoner and left a Royal. not too many commoners I know arrive in that kind of car haha where is the Saturn??

We then listened to the ceremony on the speakers and awaited their return

Drum Role Please.....

Ok in the interest of giving the people what they want I will be posting the royal wedding posts before the Marrakesh trip since it has all happened just way to fast to keep ahead of :)

Sarah came to visit for the Royal Wedding 2011...mostly to see us I think and she just timed it right haha. We rallied the troops to leave the flat at 5AM...snacks packed the night before and ready to go with champagne and bride cookies!!! The early morning trek to the route(strategically timed to be just prior to the first tube of the morning) paid off and we had GREAT location for the processions.

John and Sarah getting excited and staking our claim with blankets and bags:) it got super packed later so it was nice for at least awhile we were not totally crammed in.

John went in search of a sandwich and made Sarah VERY happy by bringing back a warm cheese pastry (for any who don't know sarah she LOVES all things cheesy...and therefore currently lives in the swiss alps for easy access haha)

Our spot was so good that Michelle Miller of CBS news camped out right BEHIND us...that's right we had a better spot than the press(well at least the crowd crew). the press had no clue on the timing of events...I got them all up to speed with who would drive by when and in what with my newspaper timeline :)The band came out to entertain the crowd during the wait...playing classic british tunes such as the theme from Indiana Jones, Pirates of the Caribbean, and the Oscar Meyer song

Look at all the people behind us...Success :) And ready for the royals