Sunday, November 28, 2010

Where are the marshmellows?

So with no 4th of July to shoot off fireworks they use Guy Fawkes Day as the official fireworks and bon fire extravaganza holiday. It was so different wearing a coat and scarf while watching fireworks....but we did get mulled wine!!!
In case you are not up on British History Guy Fawkes was part of the plot to blowup Parliament and restore a catholic monarch to the throne in 1605 and is where the saying "remember remember the 5th of November" come from. Since then they burn an effigy of Fawkes on a Bonfire each year to remember the event.
The Fireworks show was GREAT and set to music (they did not play the usual firework classics...god bless america or star spangled banner however)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Now We Can Move Back....

Well we finally made it to a Chelsea Football (Soccer) match and John's UK goals have been achieved...

The game was part of the Champions League (separate tournament from normal season, where best teams from all the European leagues play. It goes on during the normal season and takes months to complete) Chelsea played Spartak Moscow and won 4-1 !!!!

John might want to go to another game (delaying our return home) since he had to sit next to an extremely roughty fan even by British standards, who knocked him about a hundred times as he got in an out of his seat to swear at the opposing fans, other fans, refs, players...and probably a baby or two.

SHANEXers Y2K10 Reunion Details

You just got RATTED!!!!!!!!

This ratting was made possible by Notre Dame and all those who leave their trash laying around outside the church. This thing was huge...use the fanta for scale reference.

Where's the horse and buggy to take me to the review?...AIA Charrette 2010

Never a better time to get involved with AIA (American Institute of Architects) than when you move to a foreign country haha :o) I was the co-chair for the AIA Student Charrette this year in London where we had ten teams of students from across the UK come together for the one day event. This is also the reason my blog took a bit of a break, so thought fitting to post it :o)

The students were given a three acre site in central London(right near British Museum) which included an old list chapel and facade that needed to be maintained, all the free printing and paper they wanted, and about 7 hours to come up with a design. The event was CAD free so they had to do everything "old school" which was fun :o)

..... the team I mentored (added helpful guidance and kept them on track) ended up winning the event too :o) I had nothing to do with the voting we brought in a team of jurors :o)